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UGA CyberArch provides a cybersecurity risk review service for partner organizations in Georgia, such as K-12 school districts, local governments, rural hospitals, and small businesses. The service is free of charge, and provides a total value of approximately $60,000 to $180,000 from seven teams working over a semester.

The cybersecurity risk review service consists of three phases:

Phase 1: Initial Assessment. The student interns, working in teams of four, conduct a series of risk review questions to understand the current cybersecurity situation of the partner organization. The questions cover topics such as policies, procedures, training, hardware, software, network, data, and incident response.
Phase 2: Site Visit. The student interns visit the partner organization to observe their operations, interview key personnel, and collect additional data. The site visit helps the interns validate and supplement the information gathered in the initial assessment.
Phase 3: Final Report. The student interns analyze the data collected and prepare a final report that includes recommendations to enhance the cybersecurity posture of the partner organization. The report is presented to the partner organization and the UGA CyberArch faculty and staff.
The cybersecurity risk review service benefits both the partner organizations and the student interns. The partner organizations receive a comprehensive and confidential assessment of their cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses, as well as actionable suggestions to improve their security. The student interns gain valuable hands-on experience in conducting a cybersecurity risk review, as well as skills that may help them pursue a cybersecurity career.

If you are interested in requesting a cybersecurity risk review for your organization, please fill out this form and we will contact you soon. If you are a UGA student who wants to join our team of interns, please visit this page for more information.