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October 2023

An Introduction: Welcome to the CyberArch Blog

Welcome to the first installment of the CyberArch blog, where we’ll discuss important topics within cybersecurity. First things first: we want to get you informed with the basics. We know that there are way more interesting topics to talk about in the world of cybersecurity, but there are no topics more important than the basics.

Why Cybersecurity Matters
We live in a very digital world. Even if you’re not on social media or you “barely use the internet,” odds are good that your life is still cyber-based. Maybe you’ve taken a picture with your phone that you want to keep private, sent a weird text that you don’t want to get taken out of context, shared confidential information with a medical provider using an online portal, or performed a transaction online. Whatever you’ve done, it’s no one else’s business but your own. We want to help you keep it that way.

Our plan
In today’s digital world, ensuring you’re being safe online is more than simply avoiding sketchy links and not disclosing personal information with strangers. Let’s look ahead at the topics we’re going to explore:
▪ Passwords: The art of crafting passwords that are both strong and memorable.
▪ Phishing & Scams: Decoding suspicious emails to ensure we don't get tricked.
▪ Public Wi-Fi Etiquette: The subtle nuances of public networks and safe browsing.
▪ Social Media Consciousness: Sharing with care and keeping personal data private.
▪ Essential Digital Tools: Spotlighting antivirus, VPNs, and other allies in our digital journey.
▪ Protecting Our Devices: Information on how to safeguard our daily tech companions.
▪ Educational Cyber Resources: Showcasing resources you can use to fortify your online presence.

Each topic will not just inform but also provide actionable steps you can incorporate into your digital routine. So, whether you’re a tech newbie or a seasoned digital native, there's something for everyone.

Get Involved
We believe that cybersecurity is a community effort. As such, we welcome suggestions, questions, or topics you'd like us to explore!

Parting words
As we embark on this digital journey together, remember that staying safe online isn’t about fear— it's about empowerment. By understanding the risks and knowing how to counteract them, you're protecting yourself AND contributing to a safer online community for everyone at UGA.

By Nicholas Beck Leon